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Home/Guiding Voices for Emerging Professionals: Facing Challenge, Finding Opportunity

Facilitating connections across the generations may help to put our current situation in perspective. We invite you to hear more and engage in a conversation about these themes as seasoned and mid-career professionals discuss their experiences with past crises and tackle the questions on the forefront of emerging professionals’ minds. Submit your own discussion topic when you register to help steer the conversation.

Theoharis David, FAIA, Distinguished Teacher and Professor of Architecture, Pratt Institute, Principal, Theo.David Architects
Nancy Goshow, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Partner, Goshow Architects
Pascale Sablan, AIA, NOMA, LEED AP, Senior Associate, S9 Architecture; Founder and Executive Director, Beyond the Built Environment
Dr. Sharon E. Sutton, FAIA, Distinguished Visiting Professor, Parsons School of Design; Author, When the Ivory Towers Were Black

Amanda L. Miller, AIA, Project Architect, Hoffmann Architects, Co-Chair, AIANY Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Organized by

AIA New York; Emerging New York Architects Committee (ENYA), Diversity & Inclusion Committee

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